June 17, 2024

Spiritual Definition of Revival!

Spiritual Definition of Revival!

Ministering: Pastor Sam Adeniran (Head of Statistics – Directorate of Christian Education, Redemption Camp, Nigeria).

2024 Fire Conference (Grand Finale) & Father’s Day.

Text: Psalm 85:6-7.

Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation. KJV

Habakkuk 3:2 – O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.

Revival usually begins with an individual and then spreads to a family, then to a congregation, then to a city, and then to a Nation.

The Seven ‘R”s of Revival

Recognition – this is a revelation of your personal present position compared to your past either with Christ or without Christ. It should usually give a negative result that leads to a desire for change. Is this where God wants me to be? The prodigal son in Luke 15, came to himself that he was better than his present position.

Repentance – Revival is genuine repentance. The prodigal son realized he had sinned against Heaven and his earthly father. He realized he had wasted divine resources & provision of his father. Whosoever covers his sin will not prosper. Also, Jesus gave a parable to this effect in Matt. 21:28-29.

Return / Reconciliation – The prodigal son made up his mind to go back to his father. Elijah also at one point in frustration ran but he returned to his place of divine assignment after God encountered him (1 Kings 19).

Restitution – The prodigal son restituted his ways first before God and then to his father. He was willing to be a servant as against still claiming to be a son in his father’s house. Hitherto, he was living to eat instead of eating to live unto God. Revival is passivity becoming positive activity. God healed Abimelech’s kingdom after he returned Sarah to Abraham.  

Restoration – Those who return and restitute their ways are restored to their lawful position. The prodigal son was not only received but also decorated because he restituted his way. Isaiah 51:3.

Relocation – Whenever God revives a person, He always relocate him/her from shackles to grace. Ps. 16:10. Jesus restored Lazarus from death to life.

Responsibility – Revival should sprout a sense of responsibility to be profitable to your Father and His Kingdom. Jesus found Philip; Philip found Nathaniel. A former liar should go and look for another liar and bring them to Jesus. Everyone should go and reproduce after their former kind. The redeemed of the Lord should go and look for the lost souls and bring them to The master. John 1:43-45, 2 King 2:17.

Benefits of Revival (from Ps. 85:6-8)

  • Mercy
  • Rejoicing
  • Salvation
  • Sanctification

Ways to Receive Revival

  • By Prayers
  • By Anointing – 1 Samuel 10:1,6,9-10 

God bless you!

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