December 26, 2024

The Philanthropy of Jesus.

The Philanthropy of Jesus.

Ministering: A/P Wole Olubajo.

Annual Missions/Outreach Sunday)

Text: Matthew 20:28.

28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” KJV.

The Gospel is about the philanthropy of Jesus – He gave Himself as a gift to humanity. But for His intervention we were lost and eternally condemned in Adam. He is the One we celebrate each time we gather in the Church. He gave Himself to us so we should likewise give ourselves to Him by serving one another.

In Luke 15, we see three metaphors used to illustrate the Lord’s philanthropic gesture. A coin was lost, it didn’t know it was lost and could do nothing to rescue itself until the woman (a metaphor for the Holy Spirit) lit a Lamp’s stand (our regenerated heart) to find it. A Sheep was lost, it knew it was lost but didn’t know how to rescue itself but the Shepherd (a metaphor for Jesus) went in search and found it. The prodigal son knew he was lost and knew how to navigate his way back knowing his father would never cast out any that come to him. 

It’s not only humans and animals that can be lost, a city or neighborhood could be lost as well. The Lord did not only die to save humans but also territories and the world’s systems. As members of His body, we are His points of contact in rescuing our territories from the powers of darkness. 

Jesus Christ was an intervention of God from above! Man was ruined and on his way down and couldn’t save himself, but God loved the world that He broke into the course of things and introduced another order of life (Himself as man) to rescue man.

The only thing that is not ours is us, we are not our own, we are brought with a price. We belong to the Lord of Glory.

In closing, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” John 13:34

God Bless You!

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